Tennis4theworld is now a registered charity (Registered No: 1180534).
The creation of young tennis players Aarav & Amaya Sharma and their coach, Theo Ezekowitz, Aarav, Amaya and Theo were inspired by the work of tennis coaches in Uganda to collect and donate rackets, kit and other equipment they had no more use for to less advantaged children around the world. With just the aim of sending one package initially to Uganada, Tennis4theworld has until now sent [xx] packages containing [xxx] kgs of tennis equipment and kit to children in Uganda.
Registering the charity has been the first step in creating a charity that aims to help children in disadvantaged communities around the world by collecting and sending donated equipment and kit to help children learn and improve their skills, capacities and capabilities and improve their conditions of life.
With the support of fellow Trustee’s, Anju and Pawan Sharma (Aarav and Amaya’s parents), Tennis4theworld hopes to raise money to pay to ship and transport donations of equipment and kit to children across the world, and encourages further donations from likeminded tennis players and supporters.
Commenting on today’s exciting development:
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For more information, visit, or follow us on @tennis4theworld on Twitter, or Tennis4theworld on Instagram.