
WELCOME TO Tennis4TheWorld

Thank you for your interest in Tennis4theWorld, a unique collaborative effort aiming to help children in disadvantaged communities around the world by collecting and sending donated tennis equipment and kit to help children learn and improve their skills, capacities and capabilities and improve their conditions of life.

We are young, have an exciting mission and are growing fast, thanks to our growing range of high quality partners, funders and team. 

When Tennis4theWorld started in 2017 we had a bold vision “To help transform the lives of children”.

Everyone loves sport because of the thrill and excitement, competition, victory and accomplishment.

Sport teaches adults and children and all to appreciate and respect themselves and everyone around them. It inspires one to believe that it’s worth investing your entire self for a specific cause, to learn and act in accordance with the rules of fair play and sportsmanship.

By donating tennis equipment and kit we want to enable children from less fortunate communities to play and develop in stimulating, creative and safe environments, whilst learning to respect others and care for their world and environment through tennis.

We believe in a world where all children have an equal chance to develop into productive, caring citizens of the world.

By helping children we believe we are changing humanity for the better. Believe in their dreams! Someone believed in ours.

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